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If you’re trying to burn more body fat and lose weight AND you enjoy using a pre-workout to intensify your training… Defiant Shredded was created for you. We loaded this product with equal parts of pre-workout & fat-burner to provide a well-rounded support for your weight loss AND training efforts. 


To get the most of the fat-burning effects, each ingredient helps in their own unique way. Targeting stubborn body fat. Helping to use fat for fuel. Increasing thermogenesis to burn more calories. Boosting & supporting a healthy metabolism. Accelerating your weight loss results. & more!


Defiant Shredded helps to accomplish all of this while still providing you the energy & focus you desire from a pre-workout. Clean Energy with NO crash. Superior long-lasting focus. Power & endurance to push you through your strenuous workouts. & more!


Whether you are lifting weights, doing cardio, training for a competition, doing CrossFit, or any other physical activity, Defiant Shredded can help burn more body fat & perform your absolute best. Escalate your fat loss potential and intensify your workouts with Defiant Shredded. The experience is unlike any other

Muscle Force Defiant Shredded

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